Scrap metal CIF India, 5000X12, 10.000X12,266USD!

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Egor Anatolievich  [ ]  12:35:33 17/02/2005

Украина   +38067 6015272

The company sells scrap metal on conditions FOB port Odessa,
On 5000тонн X12,10.000X12, the PRICE 186USD for ton, up to 20/02/2005!!!!!!
Scrap metal CIF India, Кандла, 5000X12, 266USD!
The seller the English Company,
The supplier Ukraine.
Signing of the Contract on Ukraine.
The form of payment:
Stand-By LC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hasten, contracts remained only two!!

Объявление #224704,

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